Sunday, March 20, 2016

Salem State University PD Community Policing

Salem State University Police Department


   SSUPD has twenty nine full time staff consisting of sworn officers, communications officers and administrative staff. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts grants police authority to officers, giving them the same authority and powers as local and state police in or upon the land and structures owned or occupied by the university.

   As mentioned in my previous post, this department also utilizes community policing tactics in their mission to provide a safe and productively learning environment for students at Salem State. The department offers all the same services that a local or state agency would offer, however some of the extra services offered to students are exceptional. SSUPD utilizes community policing tactics to teach students various courses and grow relations between the department of students and faculty at the university. SSUPD offers three programs that can benefit everyone! They are as follows:

-R.A.D or Rape Aggression Defense
-Operation I.D.
-Personal Safety

   R.A.D or Rape Aggression Defense system is a system designed to teach women realistic, self-defense tactics that can be used in a variety of situations. By teaching women various types of defense concepts and techniques to fight back against different assaults, creates a safer place for everyone. Salem State PD offers this program for all students and faculty free of charge as it is put on by certified RAD instructors from all over the country. The benefits of participating in such a program are endless but the main point is that once educated on self defense from attackers and how to utilize natural "fight or flight" tendencies, a victim could potentially change their perspective and reactions in certain situations they may encounter.

And the best part! You get to beat up the instructors!

Click here to see a RAD class in action!

Another program offered by the SSUPD is known as operation ID. Officers are offering the opportunity to have your personal valuables engraved. This service is very useful and could be the difference of having to spend your hard earned money replacing stolen or lost property. Operation ID is fast growing at many colleges and universities around the country. By having your laptop, cell phone, TV, bicycle engraved with a personal number and logged into a computer, a lost or stolen item could potentially be returned to its rightful owner. Officers at Salem State as well as many local agencies and agencies across the country can enter in the number of a found or recovered item into a national database and retrieve the owners information. This great system allows for it to be quickly returned and in time hopefully put a stop to theft.

The link below is directly to the SSUPD Operation ID site

   Yet another program offered by SSUPD is Personal Safety classes. These classes teach you to notice things and to change certain bad habits to that affect your own safety. This includes leaving doors or windows unlocked, being a victim of a date rape drug put into your drink, walking in dark, unlit areas and more. By listening to different situations you could face, you can think about how to avoid negative circumstances. Talking with an SSU officer can defiantly help make you a safer person.

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