Sunday, March 20, 2016

A new era of law enforcment: Community Policing

Growing relations and working together

   Community Policing is a relatively new form of policing used by local and state law enforcement agencies around the country. It was developed in the early 1970's after a decade of social unrest with communities and the police during the 1960's due to distrust, lack of communication and police brutality.

                             A video on Community Policing!

   Though the definition is ever-evolving the most current one used by the Department of Justice (DOJ) says:

"Community policing focuses on crime and social disorder through the delivery of police services that includes aspects of traditional law enforcement, as well as prevention, problem-solving, community engagement, and partnerships. The community policing model balances reactive responses to calls or service with proactive problem-solving centered on the causes of crime and disorder. Community policing requires police and citizens to join together as partners in the course of both identifying and effectively addressing these issues."

Though the actual definition is long, it can be broken down into three key parts.

  1. Community Partnerships
  2. Organizational Transformation
  3. Problem Solving


   To Break down the three aspects I will start with community partnerships. The basis of community partnerships is collaborating and growing relationships and connections with individuals, organizations, small business, people in local schools, the elderly and everyone else in a certain community. This is done so by members of a community feeling they can go to the police more often when they have concerns. A sense of trust and friendship is sure to be gained when officers and community members know each other on a first name or face to face basic.

Getting to know community members

The second aspect, organizational transformation means to use all available means of service a department offers to their respective community. By having organization of policies and procedures that the public can benefit and utilize is key to a proactive working environment amongst both parties. Departments often will offer:

  • Citizens academy
  • Self defense courses
  • Informational meetings on town by-laws
  • Sporting events and gatherings

Danvers High School Resource Officer Steve Baldasarre

The final aspect of problem solving is one of the most important. Once there are relationships gained between police and community, problems that people feel need to be addressed are then reported to the police and thus dealt with in a beneficial way. Even when these problems are minute, by having a close working relationship with police, they can be examined and address. Often times, small crimes or problems will go unaddressed for people think it is bothersome to the police to have them deal with it.

Beverly Police Department Annual Toy Drive

   As a Special Police Officer in the town of Danvers, one way the department utilizes community policing is to engage the youth of the town in various activities with the police department. There are many family events throughout the summer that have a strong police presence to get the department together with the community. There are "touch a truck events" where police and fire have vehicles available for tours and learning.

 These bonds allow for kids to feel safe and comfortable when talking to police whether its at school, downtown or simply anywhere!

   My department is the Marine Patrol Unit. We do a lot of community policing. We often give tours of our patrol boats, do demonstrations of first aid, fire fighting, dewatering and other marine operations for the local boy scout troops and police explorer programs. 

   One community policing activity done by Danvers Marine Patrol is known as "Santa by Sea." It is put on every December a week before Christmas where we pull up to the town dock with Santa and his elves on the patrol boat. Local business's donate their time, food and hot chocolate. Families are able to take pictures with Santa. A large crowd is always drawn and gives my department's officers a chance to meet locals of the town and establish forever bonds.

Here is the link to fun Danvers Family Fest activities 2016!

                                           Danvers Family Festival Links

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